Friday, February 26, 2010

Income Tax 所得税

Recently I just received one letter which is called as EA form. At first, I don't know what is this and I just know I had donated RM 84 to KWSP.

After asking my dad, it is the form for the income tax and that is all about my last year salary. Luckily, I do not have to pay the tax for last year because I just started my job for few days only.

But this year, I am going to pay the income tax to the government. The reason is because a person who earn more than RM 24000 a year, he has to pay. Last year, I didn't that much so can skip. Haha..

Now I am finding a way to skip but seems like no way..

Busy or war ? 是忙还是打战 ?

Still remember I mention about the ERP system in my company? First of March is coming soon so everybody is rushing their own job.

Yesterday 25/02/2010, early the morning I wake up and go to my office to settle my job.

It was 4.21am and I started to my way to office. On the way, I pass by the accident scene and take some photos also.

This was the place I met accident and in front those cars was the place I got him when he tried to flee.

Then, about 4.50am I reach the office. No one was there and I am the first one reach the office. I can use my key to enter the lobby but I couldn't go to my table due to the door is locked. Fortunately, there is a computer at the lobby and I can use it to connect to the server. YEAH!

Here is the place I work. 这就是我工作的地方。

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bang !

Traffic accident ! It was happened on 23/02/2010, around 8.05am like that. I was on the way to my office. The accident scene is very near to my office also and I estimate it is 4km left. But too bad, I couldn't reach earlier and I was late with because of this.

I was the last car when I turn out from the Federal Highway and connected to the Jalan Persiaran. There is a traffic light about 100 meters in front of me and quite many cars at the time. Definitely I have to stop my car and wait for the traffic.

BANG!!! Suddenly one car kiss me "gao gao" from behind. The impact was very big and fortunately I was with my sit belt, otherwise my head would knock the car sterring. Besides that, I sprained my neck due to the high impact. Well, I stopped my car beside the road and see what is going on. After that, that fellow doesn't want to stop and try to escape from the road.

Get the car number and model! It was my first action. Then chase that fucker!!! About 10 to 20 meters, I got him. May be you will ask why I could got within a short distance? There were so many cars waiting for the traffic. What I can say is he was stupid. When I see he couldn't move anymore, I get down from the car immediately.

Then, I was looking for this! I couldn't find it and I was in a rush to get the fucker. Fortunately I couldn't find it because it can be considered as crime. I admit that I am wrong in this because I was very angry at that time. I don't want him to flee so I ran to his car without any weapons.

That was a Malay and he said go to side first when he saw me. I asked him, "lu mau lari ka"? He said go to side first and talk. Well, I faster go back to my car and get ready to chase again, or to stop. Then, he really stopped and get down from the car. I go and look at my car, bumper gone. He and his sister came to me and talked cock.

Adoi, my car..

His car worse than mine is because rear end of the car is always solid than the front. Based on the picture, the radiator might be some leakage.

Here are our conversation.
Pukimak : sorryla, ini salah saya i minta maafla.
Me: Macam mana sorry?
Pukimak : sorry la, i aku i salah la. minta maafla.
Me: yala, you salah tapi macam mana saya nak maafkan lu.

The fucker start to cock story.
Pukimak : I punya pun kena ma. (I was very angry when heard this sentence)
Me : you kena you punya pasal. sekarang you yang langgar saya. you cakap sorry mana boleh, you kena ganti rugi.
Pukimak : I punya pun kena ma, tadi lu yang brek emergency.
Me : bila saya brek emergency, wa henti dekat sana lu sendiri yang langgar. sekarang lu nak cakap macam ini la. tak apa.

His sister working as a Majlis Bandaran Shah Alam as known as MBSA. When I saw her uniform, I asked her.
Me : So you kerja dekat MBSA la?
Pukimak sister : ya.
Me : you mau pergi kerja, I pun mau kerja juga. Mau senang cerita kan?
Pukimak siter : ya
Me : report polis la.
Pukimak sister : jangan la. tolong jangan report polis. kita settle sini.
Pukimak : jangan report polis la. ini sikit saje mah.
Me : ini sikit, tapi saya buat duit kena banyak.

I tried to open the boot, but couldn't open also.
Me : nampak ? boot ni pun tak boleh buka.
Pukimak : boleh punya. you pergi bengkel then dia orang tau buat.
Me : pergi bengkel lu bayar la.
Pukimak : berapa lu mau ?
Me : I tak tau, kena tenggok dulu.
Pukimak : RM150 la?

Stupid man, RM150 want to spray also not enough! I estimate at least RM500 if get the original parts.

Me : RM 150 you mau beli besi dalam pun tak cukup.
Pukimak sister : kita settle sini tapi jangan report polis la.
Me : boleh. tapi hantar bengkel dia orang repair, resit bagi lu.
Pukimak sister : ok boleh. tapi jangan report polis la.
Me : I settle sini maksudnya settle sini la. you sudah bayar buat apa saya report. tapi kenapa you tak nak report?
Pukimak sister : sebab kereta ni nama saya, tapi dia bawa then susah nak claim la.
Me : boleh claim insurans punya. tapi sekrang you kata nak tanggung semua kos saya then kita settle sini la.

Then I asked for IC and driving license. His sister give me.
Me : kenapa ni?
Pukimak sister : ambil la ic dan lesen saya.
Me : tadi dia yang bawa, sekarang lu yang bagi. apa ni? saya nak dia punya ic and lesen.

The fucker wanted to gave me the IC. He couldn't show me the license. Now I suspect he don't even has a license.

Me : Lesen lu ada ka tak da?
Pukimak : ada.
Me : then tunjuk la.
Pukimak : tinggal dekat rumah.
Me : mana boleh macam ni, kereta bawa. lesen tinggal dekat rumah. tenggok IC.
Pukimak : kenapa?
Me : tadi lu cakap nak bagi tenggok. tapi sekarang tak nak.
Pukimak : lu siapa? relax la.

I fuck them! I said lu orang mau main dengan saya kan? ok, i pergi report sekarang. His sister stopped me and said wait. I panggil kawan saya datang.

Fuck man!! want to call people somemore then come la. You think I scared? I was wait there for 10 minutes. While I was waiting, I know I am going to be late to my office. So I called my boss. Fuck again, couldn't connect to his room due to the phone got problem. I am the person handling IP phone also, nobody can help at that time. So, I informed my colleague and ask him to tell my boss.

Then, one car stopped behind me. 2 guys 1 lady and there are wearing the MBSA uniform. I was surrounded by 5 peoples at that time. One of them are fucker also because want to act samseng with me. Say a little bit only la what la dia pun kena la. Then they said, report polis la. I said ok. So, I said I mau follow you orang punya kereta. He agree also then go.

Until half way, they stopped beside the road and I don't see any police station. Everybody get down the car.

Me : kenapa ni?
2nd Pukimak : tadi lu nampak siapa bawa?
Me : dia la siapa lagi? (pointing at that 1st pukimak)
2nd Pukimak : kalau pergi balai you cakap kakak dia boleh?
Me : mana boleh? adik dia yang bawa I cakap kakak bawa?
2nd Pukimak : sebab kereta ni bukan dia punya, claim insurans susah sikit.
Me : apa yang susah? lesen dia ada ka tak da?
2nd Pukimak : tak da.

Now I found out already. I fuck her sister gao gao!! Lu MBSA pakai uniform lagi, tapi adik tak da lesen you bagi dia bawa macam ni.

Pukimak sister : I beg you la sir. cakap saya yang bawa.
Me : Sorry, I really cannot help. It is a false report and I might face problem in future. He is the one driving I have say him.

The no lesen fellow heard it and come to me and shout
Pukimak : Ya, I tak ada lesen kenapa lu tak boleh cakap dia?
Me : lu yang salah sekarang ni you mau bising lagi? mau gaduh ?

The MBSA fellow separate us and one of the MBSA lady apologise to me. So, I explain to them. They will get 2 summons which are bang from behind, and driving without license. Each of them RM 300. They don't believe, thought I lie to them. Never mind, believe it or not is you. After that, they wanted to send to workshop and pay for me. I said ok and go.

Until half way, they stopped again and I can't see the workshop. I go and asked them.

Me : Mana bengkel?
2nd pukimak : dia orang nak pergi ambil duit. kalau report you tak boleh cakap kakak dia ka?
Me : itu betul tak boleh.
2nd pukimak : dulu saya pun kena macam ni juga. then I pun buat macam ni.

A thirty something years old man talking like a child and so childish. Then they said want to report polis because want to claim insurans also. When I heard this, I fuck all of them.

Me : sekarang ni lu orang cakap ini cakap itu. Kalau sekarang pergi bengkel you cakap nak bayar. Besok you cakap tak nak bayar pun boleh la. Sekarang I nak pergi report. you nak report ka tak nak itu lu punya cerita.

After that I go, but they reach first because they know the road better than me. Never mind, this is based on justice. His sister sit down there and report, and I told polis he is the one driving. The polis ask him to report.

Then, I report mine also. So, the next procedure is to see seargent and let him know what is going on. After that, I go to the seargent room and waiting for my turn to talk to him.

I heard their conversation while I was waiting. If you want to know ask me personally now because I am not at liberty to tell. Never mind, my turn to talk to him. He just asked me what car and how long already. That is all. So I asked him insurans and he said go to the counter there and ask. Then I ask for his phone number and he gave also.

When I go out, his sister still there and talk to me again.
pukimak sister : so you tak boleh claim insurans kan? tadi i cakap pergi bengkel tak nak.
Me : kenapa tak boleh ?
pukimak sister : sebab adik saya tak ada lesen.
Me : you tak ada lesen ialah you dengan polis punya pasal. you sendiri tak boleh claim insurans saje.
Pukimak sister : tapi sarjan tu cakap macam ni.
Me : dia yang cakap macam ? baik saya call dia nanti.

So I go and buy report first and then call him.
Me : lu sarjan tadi tu ka?
Sarjan : ya
Me : sekarang apa ni? tadi tu saya tak boleh claim ka ?
Sarjan : saman saya sudah buka kepada dia
Me : saya bukan nak tanya saman, saya nak tau tu insurans macam mana? sebab dia cakap you yang cakap saya tak boleh claim sebab adik dia tak ada lesen.
Sarjan : insurans i tak tau la.
Me : ok. tak apa.

Never mind. I called to a friend who is working as a tow man. He said report polis and I am still able to claim. Okay, everything done and we wait for the result. If the result come out and I am the one wrong. Then I am ready to go and find reporter. Don't get surprise if you see me.

I am a Chinese but here written as Melayu. Home address also wrong.

After that, go to office and reach at 11.00am. When I go in, all my colleauges know I met an accident and asking whether I am injured or not. Thanks for the concern.

Yesterday, heavy rain and the water flow into my car. The boot couldn't open but luckily I can move the cd player inside my boot by opening the car sit from behind.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Bubble Will Burst 泡泡将会破裂

Is it true a bubble will burst?


"When you blow a super big bubble for yourself, the bubble will burst."

When is the time the bubble will burst? I don't know, you don't know and we don't know.

It is only a matter of time.

Sooner or later.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What If 如果

What if you could do it all over again? Will you do it?

What if you had a second chance? Will you be better or worse?

What if we had known each other earlier? What will happen?

What if another decision was made, another path taken? What will happen again?

What if everything did not turn out this way? What do you think?

In life, I think, there are no “What If”.

And that is why you want to be “In the Moment” and only come out with “What If”.

My Career and My Company 2 我的工作和公司 2

Today, I am going to show some of the photos from my company.

The reason is because recently I have to meet up with supplier and they would said, "your company is so nice or nice setting".

So, whether it is nice or not your judge.

External look at night 晚上时的外观

Boardroom 会议室

Lobby 大厅

Warehouse 货舱

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Career and My Company 我的工作和公司

Recently, I was quite busy with my work and now is the time to update my blog. Today, I am going to blog about my job.

Big Dutchman, is my company and it is a Germany company. Basically, the company is running the agriculture business in the whole world. In Malaysia, which is the place I am working is the HQ of all the Big Dutchman company as well as agent in the whole Asia. Therefore, the place I am working now is also called as BD Asia.

I have been working in the IT department in this company for almost a month. I had learnt quite many things and I had solved some problems in the company too. The first week I joined this company, I am quite satisfied with my job scope. One of my friend ever asked me, do you like your job? "Yes" was my answer and she asked me why? Because many peoples are not satisfied with their job and she asked me why I like my job. It is true. But the reason is because it is a challenging job and I really found the job I want. For what you force yourself to work with the job that you don't like ? No meaning and no point.

Anyway, I am going to talk about my job scope also. The most basic and easiest task is to provide troubleshooting. When someone having problem, I will base on the Ip address and remote to the computer to troubleshoot.
无论如何,我要讲些关于我的工作。最普通的就是我必须解决一些电脑的问题。当有人寻求协助时,我就会根据他们的Ip address然后进入他们的电脑解决问题。

This is the server room in my company and it is more about networking. Sometimes, the problem could be the server so I have to go inside and troubleshoot. I had learnt many things in this room. Last time when I was studying, that was theoretical. Now, at least I can have a better idea to see and understand with it.
这就是公司里的server room了。这里会比较多关系到网络的问题。有时候,问题可能是因这里而起的,所以我就必须来到这里观察。在这里我也学到了学多东西。上次在书上学的是原理。现在,至少我可以更清楚地看到我所学习的东西。

This is the hardware for Ip phone. May be you will ask what is Ip phone or is it the same as the normal phone we use? Yes, exactly the same but the only different is the payment. It is depends on the internet package.

This is the channel for Ip phone. There are two channels in the company. If anything wrong with one of the channel, the line which is relying on this channel unable to make a call.

As I mention just now, it is a Germany company. Some of the datas would link to Germany server also. If anything about network wrong in the company, we have to contact with the IT department in Germany. Sometimes, it is a bit troublesome due to the working hours. When we are working, they are sleeping. They are working while we are sleeping.

Besides that, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is one of the thing I handle. It is a new and big project for the company and we are still implementing the system. The first day I work, they were talking about this but I have no idea about that. The project was started about one month before I joined the company. Fortunately, I am able to catch this and now I got the idea and their implementing method also. I think shouldn't be a problem for me. Everyday, we discuss about this system. Tomorrow, two guys from Germany are coming to have a look. But we only done the cabling and nothing else we can show them. No access point, no switch and it is nothing. The reason is because our supplier keep delaying the goods. This system is going to start on 1st March. Nobody knows how is the system and whether it works or not. We have to try but we don't have the device. We are rushing now.

Allright, sounds challenging right? That is why I like my job and I believe this will bring me to a bright prospect, better life, better opportunity in future.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

For the past few years, I just stay at home and watch movie on the new year eve. This year, the new year is special a bit. The reason is because I can celebrate with a lucky girl. Very ngam, birthday and new year on the same day.

Anyway, I want to wish everyone happy new year and hopefully this will be a better year.

Relax In Langkawi 2

Time to update it again. Second day, we went for snokerling and we spent half day for that. It was very nice because I can see the fish under the sea. I also saw the shark and it was very near to me.

Here are some of the pictures when we go there.

After the snorkeling, my foot was cut by the coral. It was very deep but luckily I am still alive.

In addition, my skin was burned by sunlight and I don't know why my body was nothing at that time.

Then, we found a dead jelly fish on the beach while waiting for the jetski.

Ready to go..

I think the jetski was the best activities in this trip. Although it is almost the same as riding a motorbike, but the speed and the moment you ride is different. It is riding on the sea and when the wave comes the feeling is different.

After that, we have done the same thing which are dinner and drink again. It is end of the second day.

The third day, it was the last day and we pack everything. Snap a picture with the car we rent in Langkawi.

Then, we went to the crocodile farm to kacau crocodile.

The day was very rush because our ferry leave at 6pm. So, we faster go for sightseeing after visiting the crocodile farm. After that, bought something from because it is a duty free area. In the end, we reach Kuala Kedah about 8.30pm and it is the end of the trip.